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degree of pollution中文是什么意思

用"degree of pollution"造句"degree of pollution"怎么读"degree of pollution" in a sentence


  • 污染程度
  • 污染度


  • Although chrome tanning agent has the shortcoming of polluting the environment , however , due to the tanning technique is upgraded , and the r & d of the tanning agent manufacturers , it has brought the degree of pollution to the minimum in the process of chrome tanning
  • The groundwater resources have been suffering from varying degrees of pollution in the highly developed areas of all countries in the world , therefore , it has become an important work for every country ' s water resource departments to seek alternative water sources
  • Based on the study of regional industrial structure optimum theories and optimize methods , this paper studies the definition of inferior posiyion industry , the meaning and the reason , then puts forward a new estimate system of inferior position industries : uses the method of data envelopment analysis ( dea ) to analyze the relative validity among industries , then according as synthesis benchmark modulus of industries , consulting the degree of pollution and energy efficiency , combining qualitative analysis , estimate all industries " efficiency and development potential , finds out the inforior industries in certain region
    论文在深入总结了区域产业结构的内涵及演化趋势的基础上,分析了劣势产业的定义、成因及其特点,探讨了产业结构优化理论和优化方法及其模型,建立了一套劣势产业的评价指标,并提出了一种新的劣势产业评价方法模型,即先用数据包络分析法( dea )评价产业的相对有效性,然后根据该产业的综合基准系数,参考其环保、节能指数并结合具体产业进行定性分析,从而确定出一个区域的劣势产业。
用"degree of pollution"造句  


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